Remembering What Jesus did for me: His Crucifixion for My Resurrection

As Christmas approaches I cannot help to remember what God has done for me.  I am still in awe that He would give His Son's life for me.  I don't deserve it but yet He gave me the gift of grace and that is enough for me. Written 2/27/17 “He was despised and rejected by … Continue reading Remembering What Jesus did for me: His Crucifixion for My Resurrection

Remembering: When Abba called me “My Daughter”

Written 1/1/7 "I will be found by you declares the Lord, and I will restore your fortunes...." Jeremiah 29:14 Daddy, I found you. I cried out to you asking why was I so quiet, why couldn't I defend myself, why are my kids gone, why am I alone, why have you not restored my fortunes? … Continue reading Remembering: When Abba called me “My Daughter”